
An oath for every Indian Lets think beyond racism, rich-poor, to make a better, responsible and just India. The development of our country starts from us. As Swami Vivekanada said Arise, Awake and Stop not till the goal is reached. We unitedly can make the India as dreams of Lord Krishna, Gandhiji, Vivekananda. The great values which we have can lead us to make a great country where justice and peace dwells. We might be in thousands, lakhs and millions but our goal and pulse is of India. Our identity might be different but in Heart we have India as our GOD. We need to fight for justice. The ultimate goal is betterment of people of India.


Sooner or later you will believe in GOD We think that God is like us only; he will be flattered by our praise and angered by our criticism. We constantly try to appraise him so that we can get what we want. Especially when we are feeling negative or sad then we always blame God like “Why did you do this to me? Why Me? ” We forget at times that this is not the barter. God will be there with you always. Even I use to do the same. In my childhood, I used to think about God only when my exams were approaching or when my result is expected like “Please God I want to score good marks in Mathematics. Please help me.” I used to pray when I need too. One day my grandmother died when I was in college. I have never seen anyone too close leaving me forever. I cried a lot and was confused how to react in that situation. Same night I heard one voice saying “Your Dadi (grandmother) is with us. Don’t worry she is happy.” When I woke up I was feeling relaxed. I don’t know what that was- God’s voice or my dream. Later, I made sure to take out 2 minutes for praying. One might think this is a fake story but this truly happened to me. I believe nothing stays forever in your life except GOD. Some people think he doesn’t exist but he is always there with us. Don’t forget every single human being has ones part of sufferings in life... this is how God Almighty ordained the journey of life to be!

Effective Research skills

Doing research effectively is an art in itself that involves various skills honed with practice. It’s essential for students to be taught t...