
Effective Research skills

Doing research effectively is an art in itself that involves various skills honed with practice. It’s essential for students to be taught the art of doing research effectively. Unfortunately, however, research skills are not often taught as part of the curriculum.

There tends to be overestimation on the part of teachers when judging students' research capabilities. Being tech-savvy does not automatically translate into good research skills. Doing research is not as simple as typing in the assignment topic into Google and copying down the results from the first few links. Students should be taught on plagiarism, verification of information, effective keywords, how search engines work and so on.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help teachers teach their students the skill of asking the right questions and properly judge whether their research is valid or not.

Start simple – For students beginning to do research on their own, take baby steps. Provide students with valid websites from which they can prepare a paper. This is a good idea because it keeps them focused on the information they get from these websites and all they need to do is write an informative, precise and articulate paper based on what they are handed. At this stage, you can teach them about plagiarism and how to avoid it.

Using search engines – When they have done around 4 or 5 research papers, you can move on to the next logical step: allowing them to search for their own websites. At this stage, you can teach them how Google and other search engines work. You can do a comparison study by entering the same topic into two different search engines and compare the results.

a) Tell them about search engine optimization and how it works.

b) Talk about the various types of domains such as .com, .gov, .org, .edu and .net. They need to know that “.com” websites are commercial ones that would not have the information they are looking for.

c) Use specific Google commands to narrow the search down. If students want to focus their research on educational sites, they can suffix the 'site:edu' command in Google to their keywords. For instance, enter 'The French Revolution site:edu'. The 'site:' command is a very useful filter that researchers can use to search only in specific sites like governmental, educational, etc.

Use other similar Google research tips and tricks to drastically reduce the 'search' in your research.

The search process itself is a multi-step process. Kathleen Morris, a primary school teacher and blogger puts it in a simple, yet comprehensive manner at her site kathleenamorris.com. She gives 5 basic steps that help school students do effective research.

1) Clarify – What is it exactly that you need to do research on? The words you use in the search box are highly important. Bring in clarity as to what exactly you are searching for and then proceed to search for it. It saves a ton of time!

2) Search – Once you have figured out exactly what words you need to use, do the actual search. If the results are not satisfactory, try rephrasing or check the suggestions that Google offers.

3) Delve – Choosing which sites to use for your research is another skill that needs to be mastered over time. Most of us tend to rely on the first page of links that Google suggests. This is where you can talk about search engine optimization and how there may be more relevant sites further down the line.

4) Evaluate – Teach them the importance of verifying information. There are quotes out there that are attributed to the wrong person. Simple things like this can cost students precious marks. Therefore, taking the time to verify the information they have gathered is another important step.

5) Cite – Students need to write their paper in their own words, not copy-paste from websites. They can quote from websites but they need to cite the source of their information in their paper. Citing their sources is another important element of responsible researchers.

With these points in mind, go ahead and guide your students into the exciting world of independent research. It is a skill that will come in handy especially in higher education. Lay the foundation for their research skills strongly and they'll be set for university!


Brain Breaks- Its Importance

Restlessness in the classroom is too common, and this is could be due to the little number of breaks that students take.

Young students find it difficult to remain silent and attentive for long periods of time. It is only their natural instincts taking over when they start wiggling in their seats, talking to one another and getting up to wander around. For most teachers, this is unacceptable. It becomes a law-and-order situation. Parents get called, and children feel as if there is something wrong with them for having a lot of energy.

Keeping in mind the enthusiasm and energy that drives children, how can we make the class period of 40 to 60 minutes work for everybody? The answer lies in a fun solution: brain breaks. Brain breaks are nothing but short 3-to-5 minute activities that will get the whole class up and about and rejuvenated for the rest of the class period. Yes, the solution to the law-and-order situation is that simple. Take brain breaks every 20 or 30 minutes or whenever your class starts getting antsy.

Studies have shown that physical activity in the classroom improves learning outcomes. This stems from the fact that physical activity improves blood circulation and increased blood flow to the brain, assisting in the learning process. Brain breaks increase focus and attentiveness while also bringing in physical activity which is healthy for the body. They help students release stress, pent up energy and even anxiety.

Brain breaks don’t need to be fancy. Also, they have actually been around for some time. Remember the teacher who used to suddenly say mid-lesson, “Everyone on your feet. Hands up, hands down, hands up, hands down – are you all awake now?” Well, those were brain breaks – only they didn’t have a fancy term for it then.

What about all the noise they’d make? Well, if your noisy class will affect other classes, you have the option of choosing quiet brain breaks or just take your classes in a place that allows some noise and fun like the school auditorium, beneath a big tree on the grounds or whatever works for you. If you really make up your mind to see this through, you will come up with solutions so that your class gets its fun without disturbing the rest of the school.

Here are a few ideas for brain breaks.

1) Dance – The variations with this option are unlimited. And who wouldn’t like to get up and dance in the middle of an algebra lesson?

a) Planned choreography – Have your class learn the steps to songs like Macarena or YMCA (plenty of tutorials are available online for the choreography). This brain break activity will be a favourite with your students!

b) Dance and freeze – Have your class dance to music and freeze in whatever poses they are when you stop the music. They have to move around the class while dancing. You can add conditions to the dancing like, “Do the twist!” or “Dance like your hair is on fire!” Ask your kids for suggestions and trust me, your brain breaks are going to be remembered for a lifetime.

c) Dance and sing – Learn the lyrics of a fast song and go around the class singing and dancing (it could be choreographed or you could just let them go freestyle).

2) Stretches – After 20 minutes of intense focus, it helps to just get up and stretch. A simple ‘reach for the sky, reach for your toes’ activity would help release all that pent up energy. This one is a silent activity.

3) Aerobics – Jumping jacks or squats are also a good way to get the blood flowing. If you add music to this activity, you will get better results.

4) Zumba – If you are a Zumba fan, this one is right up your alley. Have the kids do a short Zumba workout – effective and fun.

Things to consider while organizing brain breaks:

a) Go for a brain break before your class starts to get fidgety.

b) Mix it up. Don’t do the same activity every time. Kids love disruption!

c) Ask your class for suggestions for brain break activities. They will come up with the wildest of ideas.

So, what are you waiting for? Breathe some life and fun into those classes!

Insights for All

What does the term 'school culture' mean? The term 'culture' for schools reflects a certain atmosphere and an ethos that characterizes a school. It is the first thing you feel when you walk into a school campus. If the students are energetic and the staff cheerful and friendly, you’ve entered a school that has a positive school culture!

So how do you develop a positive school culture? Building a positive school culture takes consistent effort on the part of everyone involved, whether it be the students, teachers, non-teaching staff and parents. When all these stakeholders are aligned with the vision of the school, you are one step closer to building a positive culture.

In the UAE, this would entail even more specific alignment, considering that there are people from over a hundred nationalities and there are numerous different curriculums being followed in different schools. Hence, school administrators are recommended to take particular care that all its staff is aware of country-specific rules and regulations. Orientation programs for expatriate teachers, parents and students would help them get accustomed to the country's culture – all the do's, don’ts and nevers!

Here are a few tips for school administrations to help build a positive school culture:

1) Start with the vision of the school. Every school has a vision that reflects what it stands for. This is why it matters to ensure that your school's vision is highly visible and at the top of everyone's mind, which can be achieved by hanging the vision up on the school walls and talking about it during assembly-time. In addition, encouraging students to live by the school’s values and holding discussions on the subject will be proven valuable.

2) Focus on the positives. Unfortunately, negativity is easier to spread than positivity, which makes it all the more essential to spread positivity on school grounds, by praising the staff and students alike. Rather than exaggerated or vague compliments, specific and meaningful ones create a more positive impact. As a decision-maker, you can appreciate a teacher for handling a volatile situation with parents in a sensitive manner. By finding the positive in everyone, you can multiply the effect, building goodwill within the school’s culture!

3) Teach social skills. Students attend schools to learn about life alongside their subject matters. Therefore, essential skills need to be taught, such as how to behave in different situations, while learning about values such as respect, honesty, consideration for others, reliability and responsibility. When students are better equipped to handle various social situations, there will be less friction amongst them.

4) Establish rules consistently. Rules are rules and must be followed by all students. It’s also more effective to establish a few clear and simple rules. Once students get a general idea of the school's expectations, they’re more likely to stay consistent and peaceful!

5) Take appropriate disciplinary action. Where there are rules, there will be rule-breakers. Ensure that you don't simply give detention for all rule-breakers. Keep it context-specific. For example, for a budding graffiti artist, give a week of after-school cleaning duty. The consequences should have some relevance to the 'crime' committed. Students will, therefore, be more aware of their actions.

6) Appreciate your teachers. If your teachers are a happy lot, your battle is half won! The recipe for happy teachers is to treat them like they deserve, as people who get out there and try to make a difference in the lives of the many, many children they teach. Treat your teachers with respect, pay them well and on time, and give credit where it is due. When teachers are valued, they will, in turn, value their school and be more invested in it.

7) Build strong relationships. Good relationships between teachers, parents and students will help bring harmony to the school atmosphere. The stronger the bonds, the easier problem-solving will become. For this, you will need to provide parents and teachers opportunities to meet and interact. Encourage parents to participate in school activities and arrange frequent one-to-one meetings between teachers and parents.

8) Communicate clearly. Communication is key to keeping the school’s atmosphere positive! The lines of communication should be open at all times between teachers, parents, students and school administrators to keep expectations clear and positivity spreading!

Once you set the ball rolling towards building positive school culture, remain focused on the goal throughout the academic year, and good luck!


SLT beckons

There comes a point in middle leadership when you get fed up with your limited power and influence. You realise it is time to step up and become part of an acronym: the SLT beckons.

I realised I was ready for the senior leadership team after a particularly -chaotic parents’ meeting. I was the new head of Math in my third school, 15  years into my teaching career.
It seemed clear to me that there were better ways of doing things around. I went to see the headteacher, who agreed it might be time to make a change but she wanted to ensure that everyone was in agreement. She asked me to present my views at an upcoming staff meeting.

I stood up to speak, full of enthusiasm and the naivety born of relative inexperience. I talked about alternative systems and how, I thought, we could improve ours to make it more positive and purposeful for staff, parents and students.

I quickly became aware of my audience’s negative body language. There were no nods or smiles, just stony stares and folded arms. When I finally got to the end and asked for questions, I was given a grilling by staff who “didn’t see how it could work”, “didn’t feel it was right for this school” and weren’t even prepared to try it before making a decision.

I drove home that day feeling bemused. I thought I’d presented a compelling case, clearly and confidently, but I’d got absolutely nowhere. It took me a while to work out what had happened. I was the newly appointed head of Math. Parents’ meetings were nothing to do with me. Who did I think I was?

I knew then, in the early days of my time as a middle leader, that one day I would feel the need to be a senior leader. I wanted to be able to suggest whole-school changes, even to something as relatively minor as this, and at least be taken seriously.

I loved being a head of department. Enthusiasm for my subject had taken me into a career in teaching in the first place and I was enjoying working with my classes. In this role I had the chance to have an even greater impact on what happened across the Math classrooms, working closely with the rest of the team. However, I didn’t feel that I made much of an impact on the life of the school beyond that domain.

That’s not to say that joining the SLT is for everyone. For many heads of departments, being immersed in their subject and holding a position of influence in that sphere is as far up the ladder as they want to climb. But for others, here are six reasons why the leadership team might appeal:

1 Whole-school scope

Although you will continue to do a significant amount of teaching, suddenly your area of responsibility (whatever that may be) affects the whole school, rather than just your department. This enables you to make more of a difference to more learners and work with more staff.

2 A bit of clout

You have the authority and the status to take on more substantial challenges and make more of an impact in a strategic sense, rather than simply an operational one. You have a greater opportunity to work with the headteacher, governors and the rest of the senior team to shape the school’s vision. All staff – teaching and support – should be consulted on decisions, but you are making things happen.

3 Developing staff

Whatever your area of responsibility, developing staff is likely to be a part of what you are able to achieve. Seeing others grow in confidence over time is hugely satisfying. As a senior leader you have the chance to support your headteacher and the rest of the senior team, in addition to supporting, challenging and helping the rest of the staff to mature.

4 Facilitating excellent teaching

Your work can enable teachers to do a better job; you need to see your role as one that facilitates the best teaching and learning, not one that adds pressure and makes it harder for staff to perform at their best.

5 Leadership experience

The parameters widen and the range of areas you are involved in extends significantly. You will work with many different groups across the school community and may also build key relationships beyond the school gates.
6 Broader horizons

If you are eager for a new challenge and are ready to be tested, you will find being part of the SLT stimulating and rewarding.

For me, senior leadership was a natural, enjoyable and -satisfying next step after my time as a head of department.  Years later when I go in for my next role as deputy head and I discover that something that needs change I would like to hear my Head say : “If you want to try a different system, go for it.”

Just think: what would you like to change if you had the opportunity to do it?


Teaching - The supreme art of moulding minds

Success in teaching for me is seeing students’ eyes when they get the “light bulb.” You can see when they understand what you have been trying so hard to explain.

I feel my greatest success in teaching is my own growth as an Instructor. Which to me is because of each and every student I’ve had the honour of instructing. In the course of teaching, my students have challenged me to know my subject matter like the back of my hand. Also, the discovery of the different learner styles has humbled me to understand my own learner style and to always teach the student as they need to be taught, not by a category that the instructor textbooks put them into. The art of instructing has fine-tuned an intuitive nature that I didn’t even know I had. Therefore, I view each and every student as a success in her own right. I know now that as an instructor, I’m always striving to do better than the day before and learning should never end; that is what makes this journey so exciting. There is always something new to experience.

My greatest success that I have had teaching is when someone came up to me and said, “You probably don't remember me, but I took your class years ago and I asked you what should I do to be successful in the industry. Even though you were very busy you were so sweet and took your time to give me many inspiring words and even gave me an insight on how to do what was so hard for me at the time.” This person went on to tell me how I inspired them so much that they couldn't begin to explain how I have enriched their career and life. They also shared that because I had waiver their tuition, it had allowed them to touch someone else's life outside of our industry. Stories like these are awesome because it shows me that there are so many layers to giving and that love has no boundaries!


Turning Wounds into Wisdom:
The Power of Transforming Pain into Strength

Pema Chödrön said it best: “We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” Letting there be room is allowing for a space, a sacred space, where we can be fully present with our pain.
There’s a lesser known Hindu deity named Akhilandeshvari, or The Goddess of Never Not Broken.
 This Goddess embodies the ability to come together and fall apart, over and over again. She is the personification of healthy annihilation, the archetype of vicissitude. She breaks apart in order to come back together as a more powerful entity. Indeed, it is exactly because she is able to break apart that she is so powerful.
What a shift in perspective! True strength isn’t wholeness but the ability to adapt to the change that comes from falling apart and coming back together again, from wholeness to brokenness and back. This is the epitome of transforming pain into strength. Falling apart is what happens when we experience trauma. Coming back together again is the scar left behind. Adapting to the new way in which we are put back together again is honoring the sacred wound.

 Like Joseph Campbell wrote, “Suddenly you’re ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you’re alive and it’s spectacular.” It may take an entire lifetime to complete the healing of our sacred wounds, but the point is to begin the healing – and there are diamonds in the rough. Those who become wise always experience the most pain. Falling apart and adapting to coming back together again in novel ways is the epitome of wisdom. Facing the pain is like looking into the abyss. It’s like having a staring contest with our inner-most demons. But with enough practice, with enough polish, we can transform those demons into diamonds.
We can transform that abyss into a mirror that reflects infinite growth. “Think of the birth of the pearl,” writes Bill Plotkin, “the tiny grit of sand within the oyster creates an irritation the oyster seeks to eliminate by coating the grain with successive layers of lustrous deposits, ultimately producing the jewel.” Just as the grain within the oyster can be transformed into a pearl, the pain within the human can be transformed into strength.

There is a saying in Tibet, “Tragedy should be utilized as a source of strength.” At the end of the day, life is pain. We must learn to experience pain well. Indeed, there is an art to cultivating sacred wounds that only the happiest people know. Like the Buddha said, “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” When we resist pain we create more pain, which is called suffering. When we can embrace pain with a warm, peaceful curiosity, we gain the ability to transform wounds into sacred wounds, and we limit our suffering.

Like Leslie Fieger ingeniously opined, “Any fool can run toward the light. It takes a master with courage to turn and face the darkness and shine his own light there.” Let us have the courage to turn and face our pain, to shine our own light there and see how many demons we can mold into diamonds, how many wounds we can transform into wisdom, and how much pain we can wrestle into strength, in order to become multifaceted beings with the power to heal the deeper wounds of the world.


the week that wasn't

the week - KHDA decided to come to visit us.As teacher leaders and school administrators, you need the skills and understanding of a "Teacher of the Year," the insights and abilities of a "Human Resources Director", the management and leadership skills of a "Chief Executive Officer", the resources and savvy of a " Successful Politician," and the nurture and courage of a "Loving Parent." Never before have educators and their leaders be held accountable for so much by so many. Measures and assessments come from state standards and tests, district evaluations, career ladders, state and national teacher certificates, and grade level and subject knowledge scores to name a few. With so much at stake, it is important to understand the nature of supervision and evaluation of instruction, to value and respect its place in education, and to accomplish its goals for the sake of the students. To do that we must know more than the specific criteria cited on an evaluation form; we must know what constitutes professionalism, effective planning and teaching, positive learning climate, and appropriate assessment. Then we need to be able to identify each one when it occurs and knows when a piece is missing. Our decisions must be informed by these findings in light of objective data and sound research.

Effective Research skills

Doing research effectively is an art in itself that involves various skills honed with practice. It’s essential for students to be taught t...